Move Feel Express

Why yoga?

Sensing my emotional struggles as a teenager, it was thanks to my mother’s guidance, I found myself stepping into a yoga class for the very first time. At first, I couldn't fathom how simple stretches could alleviate the stress I was feeling. But it didn't take long for me to realize that yoga was more than just physical movement – it was a gateway to a profound sense of peace, acceptance, and inner awakening.

With each class, I found myself not only opening up physically but also delving deeper into mindfulness practices that resonated with me on and off the mat. From the classroom to relationships yoga became my guiding light, infusing every aspect of my life with newfound clarity and purpose.

Fast forward a decade, and I find myself still immersed in the practice of yoga. This past year, my journey led me back to where it all began – Flow Yoga Studio in Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey. Where, under the nurturing guidance of my beloved instructor Erica Stanzione, I embarked on a transformative journey and completed my 200-hour registered yoga teacher certification.

Now settled in Three Oaks, Michigan, yoga continues to be my steadfast companion, guiding my every step with grace and intention. My mission is simple: to share the profound gifts of yoga with the Southwest, MI community and beyond.

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